November 6, 2009

NHOST Enhancements In an effort to increase the availability of important information being communicated to NH inspection stations operating NHOST inspection units, we would like to announce that certain features are being planned. NHOST now provides the option of having NHOST notifications sent to an e-mail address in addition to your NHOST unit(s). Your station’s […]

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July 7, 2008

Subject: Economic Hardship Waivers and Electronic Administrative Certificate Procedure When a motorist is approved for an economic hardship waiver they receive a waiver that is signed and sealed by the Director of Motor Vehicles. The motorist is advised to go to their inspection station for an OBD re-inspection. When the mechanic performs the re-inspection of […]

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May 8, 2008

Pre 1949 Inspection Requirements Effective January 1, 2008, House Bill 659 became law. It added a new section, RSA 266:62-a. This new statute exempts all antique motor vehicles (with original equipment) manufactured prior to 1949 from all inspections requirements. For exact wording of this new statute, please refer to RSA 266:62-a. Thank you, Division of […]

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